#MazSpeaks #MazTrains #MazConsults #MazMentors #MazAuthors


Business has never been harder - uncertain economic times and an attention deficit society. Now, more than ever, delivering instant impact is vital, yet many leaders don't have their elevator pitch ready to roll out. They don't cut through. It's white noise. No story telling. And when they're constantly introducing themselves at meetings, conferences and in life in general, they're throwing away endless opportunities. The art of the elevator pitch is not a 'would like to have', it's a 'must have.
THE FIRST MINUTE is everything.

THE FIRST MINUTE your leaders meet someone new can change your business forever, offer up new business opportunities, new leads and sales – that’s if your leaders can describe who they are and what they do in an interesting and engaging way that gets attention. Nail that and the world is yours.

I use my A.B.C.D. formula to create your leader’s perfect personal branding:

A – ATTIRE – what they’re wearing so they are noticed, they stand out for all the right reasons.

B – BODY LANGUAGE – how they walk, stand, move. How they make eye contact, their handshake.

C – CONTENT – what they say, so they’re interesting, charismatic, the influencer in the room.

D – DELIVERY – how they deliver their words, confidently, comfortably, perfectly in a way that cuts through and grabs attention.

THE FIRST MINUTE was developed using TV tricks and techniques to help leaders create instant and maximum impact at meetings, pitches and conferences – use THE FIRST MINUTE to turn pitches into sales and strategy into action.

Maz has put about twelve thousand people on camera. She has worked with some of the biggest names in the world and people terrified of walking on stage. Her content has been watched by almost eight billion people worldwide.

Mark Bouris described this as ‘something every corporate desperately needs.’ We agree.

He also says ‘Maz is a genius with people.’ We think so too.

Everyone can speak, but really, how many people are listened to or heard?

Make every second of THE FIRST MINUTE count.